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发表于2007年03月20号 20点 阅读 5665 评论2 点赞0 ©著作权归作者所有

We crossed the Nile in a local boat and immediately after disembarking, our eyes met one of the most beautiful sceneries of Egypt.  Passing through green fields, desert mountains dotted with colorful houses are seen, we came to Gurna village.  It has existed for more than a hundred years and the residents claim to be the protector of the tombs are suspected to actually be expert tomb robbers! This was an exciting discovery for us.



Driving past this spot, we arrived at the temple.  The rugged and barren rocky desert terrain suddenly sprang back to life with this grand piece of architecture, almost merging itself with the surrounding limestone cliffs to give a natural feel.



Partly cut out of rock, the temple has a wide causeway leading to two huge levels of grand terraced courts.  The Ground level, of course, is accessible from the courtyard itself.  We walked on the ground level terrace punctuated regularly with huge columns.  The walls were full of beautiful paintings depicting the lives of the royals of that age, though paintings of the queen were mostly erased off and that part of the wall remained blank.

这座庙宇有一部分是从岩石凿出的,它有一条很宽的通道引向两层大型的露台。 第一层露台当然可以从院子走过去。我们走上第一层,它是由许多巨型圆柱规律性地支撑着的。墙上画满美丽的壁画,描绘了那个时代宫廷生活的情况,不过有关女王的部分大多被擦除了,只留下了空白的墙壁。


Queen Hatshepsut was the daughter of pharaoh Tuthmosis I and claimed the throne after her father’s death, defying her nephew Tuthmosis III.  Naturally, there were a lot of controversies surrounding this but finally Hatshepsut became the queen.  Even if she is the third queen to rule Egypt, she declared herself a ‘pharaoh’ and even wore the traditional Pharaonic beard (a fake one, mind)

海西珀休特女王是法老图特摩斯一世的女儿,其父死后她自己称帝,无视其侄子图特摩斯三世的存在。这当然引起了轩然大波,但最后海西珀休特还是做成了女王。尽管她是埃及第三位女皇,但她声称自己是“法老”, 甚至还带上传统的法老胡须。(注:假胡须)


Her reign lasted for more than 20 years and Egypt saw lot of development during this period.  The cause of her death is not known, but when Tuthmosis III finally got to the throne, he demolished almost everything that had traces of her, especially drawings and statues.  As our guide narrated the story it seemed we had reached that era and all of the women visitors, including our guide, became incensed with the attitude of Tuthmosis III.  



The central court of the temple is very well preserved and it was here that the divine birth of the queen was recorded.  There are two chapels at either end of the court, with lovely images of gods and goddesses, but the one of the queen has been heavily disfigured. The entire second level is adorned by life size statues of the queen, even though only three to four remain intact.



             ——英文资料摘录自《Shanghai Star March 15-21, 2007



                                1993 年,卡纳克神庙


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