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Does calligraphy has energy? From the science aspect, everything in the world does. But how does the energy of calligraphy expresses it? How to make the works of calligraphy full of energy? What does such works do? This passage of Mr. Zhang Ji Hai will bring questions to you. Here is his passage and hope everyone can contribute your valuable opinions.






The Energy Calligraphy is the new explanation of calligraphy. Under his subconscious instincts calligraphers can make use of the universe energy to modify his works. This makes the works full of amazing and magic energy of the universe.



It seems unconvincing, but there is scientific evidences proving the reliability of the Energy Calligraphy.



Scientists thought that energy is the common property of matters. Einstein established the mass-energy formula, E=mc2, which represent the relationship between mass and speed of the matters. This formula tells that mass and energy are different explanations about the same thing, which mass is energy indeed. The mass is the quantity of the matter and the energy is the quantity of the motions. Matters are under constant motions at all times. Hence, energy is present in everywhere, at any time in the universe.



Energy conversion and the law of the conservation of energy say that energy can be in different forms, but remain unchanged in quantity. Energy can neither be destroyed or created, only can transform from one state to another. Quantum biology reveals the way of change of everything in the universe,  both material and spiritual, between all the time in quantum gravity, The result is the message.The impact of one object’s motion and its pattern on one another’s creats the message. Although negligibly small, quantum contains all information present in the universe.It is like what people always say “the falling of one leaf heralds the autumn” and “the single drop of water foresee the ocean”. The fact that police can know about the criminals through his writing is based on the science of information. Ordinary calligraphic works has limited energy from the universe. They are different from those of the Energy Calligraphy. The Energy Calligraphy presents people with notions of conscious, positive and powerful energy of the universe. The works are the essence of the sky, the people and the books. It requires the calligraphers to have the initiative and obey the rules of the Energy Calligraphy. They should be able to let the spirits of human and the universe twist together to put the positive things in the universe into the works. As a result, the works will be positive, not negative, beautiful, not ugly, and harmonious, not chaotic. Thus the works will be the manifestation of the union of human and universe.


We know that the human’s conscious are of two kinds. One is sub consciousness and the other is the consciousness. They are responsible for the logic and virtual stuff. People know every single thing through these. But the subconscious is rather more important than the other one for it receives 95% of the outside information while the conscious aspect receives only 5%. Unfortunately, most people only know about they conscious ability, neglecting their subconscious potential. Our ancestors were successful in using their subconscious potentials. They use their spirit to recover the miseries in the nature. For example, the Sakyamuni realize that the world is empty since 2000 years ago. For now, the science has explored matters into Quark aspect, proving the correct of the Sakyamuni from micro aspect. Huang Di Nei Jing has explained the human internal structures vividly thousands years ago. Many modern sciences can not explain this.



The subconsciousness, which also has the name of Right Brain Consciousness or Space Consciousness, is beyond the four dimenssional world. The subconsciouness is the essence of human heretage information, which would be the most mysterious power ever known. The author of A Great Evolution In The Brain World, Shigeo Haruyama,named it ‘the Ancestor’s Brain’, which refers to the forgotten abillity of human. We call it potential. The subconsciousness contains energy in the phychology aspect, including mood like happyness, sadness, worriness and bitterness. At usual time, the conscious is controlling the body unless the suncomciousness comes out and releases its energy. The situation of drunken and dreaming is the menifastation of the existence of the subconciousness. If the subconciousness has been supervised by the conscious for too long time, it will concentrate its energy and finally burst to cause visious consequences, like madness and metal problems. The Energy Calligraphy is to help the calligraphiers control and make use of the energy of the subconciousness. As a result, they can use their metal power to transfer the Message into the works, making the works full of energy. Hence the people could better understand the inner meaning of the works and release their metal energy in a more efficient manner. This is what the Energy Calligraphy means.





The ‘Motif’ is the Life and the life information field of air-fluid system, one of the main use of the unconsciousness. It is because the ‘Motif’ is corelated to the oringin of the world,‘Qi’. That is because they can been both expressed in terms of programs and air-fluid system. Men’s ‘motif’ has the dual wave-particle property. Matters are visible under light speed, but invisible when their speeds exceed the light speed. Energy calligraphy requires the calligrapher to use his "motif", which requires long time of exercises.



Practice is the purification of the true heart and the efforts towards a life in a higher dimenssion. It is the replacement of the persistence in the ways of the world, by the deeper meaning of life and the inner new power. It helps peolple to reconnect with the world, refreshing oneself and make use of the potential.The practice of The energy calligrapher has three stages.the first stage is "having the pen in hand" it is the basic and then the calligrapher can express the thought.the second stage is the "plan in the heart" it i like Taiji. forget about the restriction  of the pen in hand. let the qi go first and express the thought in another way. the third stge is forgetting the heart and the hand. it is the highest level of unionning. through adjusting breathing and the Gesture, one could try to forgo the restrctions of al kijd and achieve the situation of the most quiet situation. this kind of mode is expained by the TaoTeChing and also the Budda. As the Calligrapher go into the mode deeper and deeper, he will be closer to the sub consciousness. human characters and logic will fade and there will be a berst of individual's energy.  the true union of human being and the universe will be achieved. the energy of the universe will flow into the work and the more and stronger the energy flow is, the more beautiful the works are.




In a word, the Energy Calligraphy states that he universe is a living being, comprising matters and spirits. Human is part of the universe and the product of the evlolution of the universe. The art of calligraphy is the track of the true heart and it contains the energy information. It requires the calligraphiers to be good at skill, knowledge and ecperiences.



One more point is that the enrrgy calligrapher does not only require the calligraphers, but also the people who are looking at it to understand the reunion of the nature, the human and the knowledge. In this way, both of them can really enjoy the work, receive a better health and adjusting oneself from all aspest. In this way, the Energy Calligraphy need people to be uniform with the world and have optimistic views about the world. He will emphasise on his moral behaviors and encourage the social harmony. Hence, the Energy Calligraphy needs to be promoted, not for individuals better being, but also for more socail progresses.


“技近乎道”。量子生物学的诞生,推动了人体科学发展,使古老的东方智慧焕发出青春。当代科学泰斗钱学森早在八十年代就预言: 人体科学“本身就打破现代科学体系,最后将引起科学革命”。随着未来科学的发展,我们将会发现,西方的逻辑、科学,最终将与东方的神秘主义的直觉智慧相通,形成一门科学与艺术相统一的、崭新的思想理论体系,它必将把书法艺术带入一条天、人、书合一的广阔大道!

Tao is close to technique. The quantum theory helped human science to reach a new level and also embrace the Western knowledge. The famous scinetist Qian Xue San once said thatthe human scirnce is to break the science itself in order to achieve higher level and leads to Aother science revolution.as the human science developes to a new level, we will finally find the western science and the logic will come together with the eastern knowledge which is misery and fascinating.and there will be a new science of art indicating thenew system of science and Art. and we believe the day of the union of the sky, the human and the knowledge.

                             (2010年12月10日December 10th, 2010)


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